
Easy rider magazine 1975
Easy rider magazine 1975

easy rider magazine 1975

So here is a tangent.There is a loon in Florida named Alvin Snow, was on a Japanese chopper forum years ago and had his 1970s Chopper featured in a few magazines including I think EasyRiders "Readers rides" or the letters sections. I have several stacks of vintage mags, now collectable and I have had offers for them. For a while, especially during the Harley Boom of the 1990s and early 2000s, they would not feature anything that was cool, and only HD, but in the old days it was Honda chops, Triumphs BSA, Kawasaki and anything with 2 wheels although at times some anti Japanese bike themes, but still would feature a cool 1970s Honda chop or similar. I DO respect Arlen in creating a product and riding the wave, but his stuff was never my taste and just seem like a coke addled nightmare. I moved on to Iron Horse which was cooler, featured all kinds of bikes, Not just Arlen Ness vomit inducing cheesiness. But by the 1990s it was totally cheesy and I lost interest.

easy rider magazine 1975

So, back in the 1980s I used to read them a lot, there was a time period they were pretty cool, Spider, Miraculous Mother, Riding with RIP, and David Mann Paintings, "Leg wettin' Biker fiction" as well as some of the cartoons, totally un-PC material and legal and legislative info was cool. Click on the events tabs and seems things are in turmoil there too. Some weird GIF file on the page playing over and over & they want you to register so they can send you info on the new magazine Issue #1. So checked their website and seems to be in transition. Sun-kissed California lifestyle, travel, and entertainment." Our roots and the bass biker culture, and with newfound emphasis on the Select newsstands and boutique venues around the world. Upscale and stylish magazine that will only be available for purchase in "Beginning in October, the monthly publication will become a quarterly

easy rider magazine 1975

" I got a letter from Easyriders magazine-> Just got this from a friend in Florida, although WHY he subscribed is baffling as he hates RUBBIES, posers, and fat tire lifestyle IndianBillyBourgetWCCOCC bikes It is a comfortable around-town bike that can get someone going who desires comfort and practicality over speed.EasyRider magazine going under? Seems to be so, following the path of many others such as Cycle world and even the Horse back street Choppers. It is now somewhat of an oddball of motorcycle history, but, for the right person, it can be a great ride. They lack the size and power of touring bikes and lack the style and panache of most cruisers. In the end, Pacific Coast failed to sell in great numbers. It is a fairly slow bike but has tremendous storage in the rear trunk, which gets exposed by lifting the entire rear section of bodywork, and it has a radio integrated into the front fairing and instrument panel. It is a comfortable ride with many features to make it low maintenance.

easy rider magazine 1975

It features an 800cc liquid-cooled V-twin engine making around 50 horsepower, per Rider Magazine. At its core, this motorcycle is a commuter bike. Honda wanted a bike that was approachable for new riders and styled it to look much like the Accord or Civic they already owned. Debuting in 1989, the PC800 came styled fully encased by plastic panels that mimicked the look of automobiles of the day.

Easy rider magazine 1975